RESTful Web Services Cookbook by Subbu Allamaraju
REST in Practice by Jim Webber, Savas Parastatidis, and Ian Robinson
REST API Design Rulebook by Mark Massé
REST Checklist
- Is GET used to read a resource state?
- Is GET idempotent? (Can I repeat the same GET request?)
- Is GET safe? (Is GET free from side effects?)
- Does GET return "200 OK" when successful?
- Does GET return "404 Not Found" if resource does not exist?
- Are the resources that are often requested together combined into coarse-grained composites?
- Does resource granularity ensure that more cacheable, less frequently changing, or immutable data is separated from less cacheable, more frequently changing, or mutable data?
- Are similar resources organized into collections?
- Is POST used to create a new resource with a server-generated URI?
- Is a Slug header used to let clients suggest a name for the server to use as part of the URI of the new resource?
- Does POST return "201 Created" when successful?
- Is a Location header used in the response to return a link to the new resource when successful?
- Are one-time URIs with generated tokens that are valid just for one usage used to prevent repeatable POSTs?
- Does POST return "403 Forbidden" if the token was already used?
- Is PUT used to update the resource state?
- Is PUT used to create a new resource with a client-generated URI?
- Is PUT idempotent? (Can I repeat the same PUT request?)
- Is PUT used to update the whole resource and not the part of it? (When you need to update the part of resource, you should use PATCH or POST. PATCH is not widely adopted yet, but it does exactly that.)
- Does PUT return "200 OK" or "204 No Content" when successful?
- Does PUT return "404 Not Found" if resource does not exist?
- Optional: does PUT create a new resource if it does not exist?
- Are entity tags (ETag) and conditional request headers (If-Unmodified-Since, If-Match) used to prevent concurrent update conflicts?
- Does PUT return "403 Forbidden" if the client does not include conditional request headers?
- Does PUT return "412 Precondition Failed" when conditional request headers do not match the current state?
- Is DELETE idempotent? (Can I repeat the same DELETE request?)
- Does DELETE return "204 No Content" when successful?
- Does DELETE return "404 Not Found" if resource does not exist?
- Does DELETE return "405 Method Not Allowed" if resource exists but cannot be deleted?
- Are entity tags (ETag) and conditional request headers (If-Unmodified-Since, If-Match) used to prevent deleting resources based on stale information?
- Does DELETE return "403 Forbidden" if the client does not include conditional request headers?
- Does DELETE return "412 Precondition Failed" when conditional request headers do not match the current state?
Beyond CRUD
- Is GET used to support safe and idempotent computing/processing functions?
- Is POST used to perform any unsafe or nonidempotent operation that involves modifying more than one resource atomically, or whose mapping to PUT or DELETE is not obvious?
- Is POST used to start long-running requests asynchronously?
- Is DELETE used to start long-running resource deletion requests asynchronously?
- Are the custom HTTP methods used only when it’s absolutely impossible to avoid them?
- Does server use Content-Type header to describe the type of the representation?
- Is charset parameter included into Content-Type header?
- Is "application/xml" media type (default UTF-8) used instead of "text/xml" (default us-ascii)?
- Optional: Are the content-type headers use application-specific media types (application/vnd+xml) to take advantage of hyper-media format?
- Does representation of the resource include a self link to the resource?
- Does representation of the resource include id for each of the application domain entities that make up a resource?
- If collection is paginated, does representation contain the link to the previous and the next page?
- Are the collections returned in the response homogenic?
- Is XmlConvert class used to properly encode data (dates and times, numbers etc.) in portable data formats?
- Is binary data retrieved using multipart media types or as a separate resource instead of encoding within textual formats using Base64 encoding?
- Is status code 4xx used for errors due to client inputs?
- Is status code 5xx used for errors due to server implementation or its current state?
- Optional: Does error response include an identifier or a link that can be used to refer to the error logged on the server side for later tracking or analysis?
- Are singular nouns used for document names?
- Are plural nouns used for collection names?
- Are verbs or verb phrases used for controller names?
- Is media type used to indicate the representation format instead of file extension in URI?
- Is every URI designated to the unique resource instead of tunnelling requests to different resources through the same URI?
- Are the clients spared from constructing URIs by exposing only stable URIs and making all the other URIs discoverable from hyper-media links?
- Are URI cool? (Cool URIs don’t change.)